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The Path Towards Creating A Sustainable Global Fintech Ecosystem 

The Global Fintech Ecosystem of the future will hopefully be characterized by an increased financial diversity, financial inclusion, optimized digital fluency, enhanced socially responsible capital deployment, robust digital ethics programs and a human centric design. Only by investing in disruptive innovation and digital transformation, can the Global Fintech Ecosystem remain a key driver of the global economy. It is essential to collaborate with all other key players to further harmonize laws, regulatory guidelines or policies in order to facilitate a large scale adoption of state of the art financial technologies and financial instruments.

Article & Blog

Design Thinking In Fintech 

Fintech is one of the industries that has the potential to be a leader in forging the path to success in the post-pandemic era, as it had already embraced digitization and virtualization at a higher degree than other industries.  Certainly, there are numerous hurdles to overcome and pitfalls to avoid, however with a state of the art strategic plan and a design thinking approach it would be possible. Certainly, design thinking is only one option in the portfolio available to business leaders. However. due to the emphasis on user experience and outcomes defined by stakeholders, its ability to empower diverse teams within a complex fintech ecosystem and a process that encompasses an ongoing innovative loop it is this author’s opinion that design thinking should be considered as a methodology of choice during this crisis and beyond.

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