Theon Alleyne, USA
Mr. Theon Alleyne is as a Consultant & Team Coach on Governance, Risk, and Compliance for Financial Services, Nonprofits & HealthCare Companies having more than 20 years of working experience. Currently he is currently working as Senior Managing Consultant at IBM . Previously he has…
Jay Rosen is Vice President, Business Development and Monitoring Specialist at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. (AMI) He has over 30 years of experience in ethics & compliance, legal, translation, business services, investment banking and entertainment industries with Fortune 50 and Global 500 companies. For the past…
Dr Jane Thomason
Dr Jane Thomason has been recognised in Forbes Magazine (2018) as Blockchain’s Leading Social Development Thought Leader. She is a well known author and blogger, in 2019 she published “Blockchain Technologies for Global Social Change” (IGI Global). She is also Co-Founder of the British Blockchain and Frontier Technologies Industry Association, Industry Associate, University…
Adil Khan
Adil Khan is a Chartered Accountant and is currently associated with Mazars Abu Dhabi, UAE as a Manager Audit & Assurance Services. He is a qualified CPA, CIA, CFE, BFP, CFC & IPSAS Certified. He is a Commerce Graduate and holds Master degree in Economics…
Arturo Alejandro Canseco
Arturo Alejandro Canseco is a legal & fintech Associate at Dentons Mexico. Prior to that he was associated with Ramos Ripoll Schuster firm specialized in Mexico and Etisalat as Fintech foreign advisor a telecommunication based in Emirates, he’s a huge passionate about Technology & Innovation….
Rashid Ghulam Akbar, UAE
Mr. Rashid Ghulam Akbar is an FTA Accredited Tax Agent and Deloitte Alumni having more than 15years of practical experience in the UAE and Pakistan. He is a fellow member of ACCA and holds a Master’s degree in Accounting from Oxford Brookes University, U.K. Currently, he is…
Steven Ireland, UAE
Steven is Head of International Tax at Grant Thornton UAE with over 20 years of progressive experience predominantly in the areas of M&A and international taxation. Prior to joining Grant Thornton, Steven spent over 14 years working in the international and M&A tax teams of…
Cesar Ferreira, Brazil
Mr. Cesar Ferreira , Brazil Chief compliance officer – Hinode Group FCPA, MBA Mr. Cesar Ferreira is a Brazilian Compliance professional with an over-15 year career at major Global multinational. Cesar has a history of implementing and building successful Compliance programs in large organizations such…
Dr. Hernan Murdock, USA
He has held positions in banking, as director of training, and various audit positions while leading and performing projects for clients in the manufacturing, transportation, high tech, education, insurance, and power generation industries. He has 7 years Banking Operations, 2 years Business Analyst and 20+…
Rene Gruner, CBP, Switzerland
Mr.Rene is a Fintech Blogger and Digital Assets Early Bird. Sunny banking beach is facing the largest monster tsunami of automation, disruption, desintermediation & decentralization in history and he truly believes that those who do not move with the time will be removed over time…
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