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COMPLIANCE, Inspiration Quotes


Creativity Creativity can be defined as the ability to bring something original and valuable into the world. Just how important is creativity to business? Eighty-two percent of executives surveyed by Forrester agree that companies benefit from creativity. Among those benefits include increased revenue and greater…

Inspiration Quotes


Kindness Kindness is a benevolent and helpful action intentionally directed towards another person, it is motivated by the desire to help another and not to gain explicit reward or to avoid explicit punishment. According to Pogosyan, “To begin with, connecting with others through kind deeds…

COMPLIANCE, Inspiration Quotes


Optimism Optimism reflects the belief that the outcomes of events or experiences will generally be positive. People who are more optimistic have better pain management, improved immune and cardiovascular function, and greater physical functioning. Optimists tend to look for meaning in adversity, which can make…

Inspiration Quotes

Personal development 

Personal development Personal development can be summarized as a two-stage process: Stage one includes the conventional self-actualizing objectives, such as developing self-awareness and identity, gaining expert knowledge and nurturing our personal potential. Stage two then necessitates the critical transition to reach beyond ourselves (self-transcendence), to…

Inspiration Quotes


Self-belief To be self-confident is to trust in our own abilities and believe that we can do what we set our minds to. Carol Dweck’s research at Stanford University changed the way that we think about success. In her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of…

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