“Optimism” Optimists are likely to see the causes of failure or negative experiences as temporary rather than permanent, specific rather than global, and external rather than internal. Such a perspective enables optimists to more easily see the possibility of change. Psychologist Martin Seligman, the founding…
Pleasure in Job
“Pleasure in Job” Some people have jobs paying lucratively, but stress is what they carry back home along with a minimum digit pay check. There are others who live in a middle-class environment but come home with a smile and eagerness to pick up…
Don’t Lose Faith
“Don’t Lose Faith” Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers….
Follow Your Heart
“Follow Your Heart” There is no greater truth that when we follow our heart, we cease to have regrets. While things may not always go in our favor, at least we will have tried. At least we will know the truth, and at least we…
Positive Thinking
“Positive Thinking” Results often reveal a person’s mindset. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.Thinking positively isn’t about ignoring reality. It’s about living proactively. One study showed that when people who thought…
Avoid Toxic People
“Avoid Toxic People” Toxic people manipulate the emotions of the people around them. They need to be the center of attention and they have a need to exercise control over the people and situations that surround them. They criticize you constantly and defy logic. They…
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
“Stop Comparing Yourself to Others” We constantly compare ourselves to everyone else, what they are doing, what they look like, what they have achieved, so much so that we forget who we are… we forget our qualities and forget that being unique is our…
The Importance of Character
“The Importance of Character” Character is the distinctive moral qualities of an individual whereas reputation is the general opinion of others of a person. Character is who you are, but reputation is how the society sees you. Author Donald Miller says, “People don’t judge…
Vision is the Act or Power
“Vision is the act or power which gives a direction to our life” Vision is the act or power which gives a direction to our life to make our goals and dreams a reality. Sight and vision are different entities. Sight is physical and vision…
Importance of Constructive Criticism
“Constructive Criticism” Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something. Constructive criticism is a part of life’s learning process and an integral part of success. Criticism lets you know your weak sides so that you can improve them. Fear of…
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