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COMPLIANCE, Inspiration Quotes


“Perseverance” can understand perseverance as a continuous drive to reach our goals and improve our skills and performance through persistent effort. It is a form of purposefulness and goal-orientation, which requires long-term commitment and discipline. It is fueled by passion. A true paragon of perseverance…

Inspiration Quotes


“Perseverance” Perseverance in Psychology.Perseverance refers to our ability to pursue a goal or passion over time, and stick with it if we encounter obstacles or setbacks. We can understand perseverance as a continuous drive to reach our goals and improve our skills and performance through…

COMPLIANCE, Inspiration Quotes


“Perseverance” Perseverance as “a continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or oppositions.” Individuals who experience the world in ways other than what is considered or typical will likely face many obstacles along their way through life.  They have two choices, they…

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